College Rules

  • Students are expected to behave with decorum and pay due respect to its faculty to its faculty and subordinate officials. Every member of the staff has authority to check is orderly behavior within the institution.
  • Loud talking, loitering or congregating in the corridors, being a source of nuisance and annoyance to others is not permitted.
  • No one is allowed to use college premises i.e. class rooms, staff room, office, lib. Other workshops corridor and grounds within the boundries of college by melafied attention, consicurancy & mislead others by way of Debate, bhashan, Group discution, group meetings etc. if any found guilty of it then her/his name will be struck of from the college and legal actin will be taken against him/her along with & penality.
  • No student has any authority over the employees of the institutions.
  • Equipment & Furniture must be left in good order after use. If damaged the fact must be immediately reported. The damage will be assessed and person responsible for the same will have to pay an amount double of the cost.
  • No excuse can be accepted for any loss or damage to institute property.
  • The student shall observe all safety precautions. The institution is, however, not responsible for accidents of what ever nature in the institute, hostel and playground.
  • Conduct inconsistent with general good order or persistent neglect of work, failure to respond promptly to official notices published, will be levied a fine up to Rs.100/- and expulsion in the interest of general discipline by the principle and higher authority.
  • Students ar issued identity cards which cost Rs. 25/- at the time of admission. Loss of the card must be reported immediately and duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs.25/- failure to inform the loss of card will be seriously taken notice of.
  • Students are not allowed to indulge in ragging, politics and going to media. If any student found violating the rules, will be expelled from the institution. Fee and other dues, once paid cant be refunded under any circumstances.
  • The student shall give in writing an undertaking to this effect at the time of admission.
  • The H.P.Govt. has declared ragging as cognizable offence and can attract fine, imprisonment or both


  • College Rule
  • Academic Record
  • Attendance
  • Number Of Seats


  • Institute
  • Teaching Staff
  • Non Teaching Staff
  • Fee Structure
  • Age & Achievements
  • Detail Of Affilation



V.P.O. Samoor Khurd Una, Himachal Pradesh

Telephone : 98160-26894

Email :