Library Rules
- Every student of B.Ed. is allowed to draw 2 books at a time for a period of not more than 14 days & same book can not be Re-issue
- Any number of books may be drawn by a student for reading in the library during specified hours.
- Books borrowed by other persons may be retained for 14 days including the day of issue.
- The books borrowed must be returned on the due otherwise overdue fine of 1.00 Rs. for first three days beyond which double of the standing amount will be chargeable per day.
- If a student fails to pay fine which is due to be paid, he/she will not be allowed for further issue of books unless and until the fine is remitted or cleared.
- A book can, however, be got re-issued with the special permission of the librarian if it is not already in demand.
- Periodicals, directories, dictionaries and special reference books shall not be issued to any member for reading at home. These will be available for study in the library only.
- The books issued to any student should not to be sublet to any other person. The offender shall be liable to face disciplinary action or special heavy fine.
- The books must be handled carefully.
- In case any library book is lost the borrower shall be required to replace the latest edition of the lost book or to pay double its price.
- No outsider should be allowed in to he library.
- Any book issued to a member may be recalled in case it is urgently demanded or for any other reason.
- Students are advised to keep perfect silence in the library.
- If any student tears off/damages the bar code slip, he/she will be liable to pay a fine of Rs.100/- Per book.
- Reference books will not be issued to any one. These can only be consulted in library with the permission of the librarian.
- The library hours are from are 10 a.m to 5 p.m. books will be returned between 2p.m. and 4p.m.
- College Rule
- Academic Record
- Attendance
- Number Of Seats
- Institute
- Teaching Staff
- Non Teaching Staff
- Fee Structure
- Age & Achievements
- Detail Of Affilation